Mr. Everett Scraders » Staff Bio & Interview

Staff Bio & Interview

Name: Everett Scraders

Position: Custodian

Number of Years @ IDCS: 9 years 

What is the most inspiring part of your job? 

I would say coming on 2nd shift and not knowing what to expect. The challenge each day brings and how I have to adjust my nightly routine helps keep me flexible and on my toes, with the mindset of making sure that students and staff have a much safe and super clean environment to learn and grow.

Family, Pets, Home:

I have a wife of fourteen years, a six year old daughter and currently no pets.

Hobbies, Skills, Talents OR what do you like to do when you are not working? 

Photography, Drumming, Cooking Traveling and Plumbing


What is something you want to learn more about?

I'm pretty open minded, so I guess whatever grabs my attention at the time. 

If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 
