Editing previous response:
Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *
I.D.C.S. Childcare
Extended Day
Half Day Program
Early Risers Program
Childcare Program Coordinator: Monique Kercado, [email protected]
Phone Number- 860-985-6922
Please complete this form prior to the first day of childcare. Payments must be made online by connecting your banking information or a debit/credit card in our payment system called Procare. Please contact Monique if you have any questions about payment. Cash and/or checks will no longer be accepted for child care payments.
Please reference the Childcare Webpage for more detailed program information, dates of operation, payment information, behavior expectations, and items to bring.
Student Information
Parent Contact Information
Childcare Options
Terms of Acceptance and Signature
I, the parent/guardian, of the above named child, give the following permissions for my child to enroll in the After School Program.