Integrated Day Charter School Home

Confident, socially responsible citizens and lifelong learners

News & Announcements

IDCS Welcomes Mrs. Debby Allard, Director Featured Photo

IDCS Welcomes Mrs. Debby Allard, Director

IDCS veteran teacher and former Assistant Director, Debby Allard, will start her new position as Director on July 1, 2024.
Is it a Cold or Flu? Featured Photo

Is it a Cold or Flu?

Information on determining if it's a cold or the flu.
CEP News Release 2023-2024 Featured Photo

CEP News Release 2023-2024

Information reguarding the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) for school year 2023-24.

Events Calendar

Our School at a Glance

  • 361 Student Enrollment
  • 599 Waiting List
  • $11,525 Per Pupil State Funds
  • 1997 IDCS Opened
  • 637 Alumni
  • 27 Certified Teachers