Below you will find some frequently asked questions about IDCS with their answers.
For Current Parents
Who do I notify if my child is going to be absent? All absences should be reported to our main office at 860-892-1900 option 1 or via email to [email protected], [email protected]. If your child is going to have an extended absence, it is also a good idea to notify your child's homeroom teacher and Executive Director, Dr. Ellen Retelle.
How early can I drop my child off for school in the morning? Student drop off starts at 7:45 a.m. daily.
Is there a childcare option at IDCS? Yes, we have multiple options for after school clubs and child care as well as frequent options during school breaks. Please contact the Extra Curricular Coordinator Ms. Monique Kercado at [email protected] for more information.
How do I apply for Free or Reduced meals? Online via TITAN or by calling the main office to request a paper application.
How do I pay for meals? Online via TITAN or by sending your child with a check or cash in an envelope clearly labeled with their full first and last name and homeroom teacher.
For Prospective Parents
Is there a lottery for students entering Kindergarten? No. Our lottery takes place only at the Pre-K level. Our Pre-K students then fill all of the spots in Kindergarten when they move up. Anyone that applies after the Pre-K lottery for their child's class, will be placed on the waiting list in order by application date.
If one of my children gets into IDCS, will their siblings automatically get in as well? Not necessarily. Siblings are placed at the top of the list in the order that they became a sibling so their odds do increase once they become a sibling of an IDCS student. However, students are accepted into IDCS only if a spot becomes available. Spots usually become available from other students moving or choosing a different school option. A lot of times there is more movement over the Summer.
My child is Gifted or has Special Needs, can they be given special consideration for entry into IDCS? No. Entry into IDCS happens either through the Pre-K lottery or via the waiting list by application date. There are only two designations which will enable movement up on the waiting list. The first is IDCS sibling status and the second is children of employees who have been at IDCS for 1+ school years.