Admission » Waiting List

Waiting List

  • Any applications received after the lottery will be placed on the waiting list in the order in which they are received.  
  • Every summer the waiting list is rolled up.  If your child is on the Pre-K waiting list and does not get into IDCS for Pre-K, that list will become the kindergarten waiting list the following year, the 1st grade waiting list the year after, and so on.
  • After the lottery process, students in grades PK-5 will gain admittance only if a current IDCS leaves IDCS and a spot "opens up".  It is not unusual for students to spend several years on the waiting list.  Conversely, we have seen some lists move fairly quickly.
  • In Grade 6 our grade level enrollment increases and we take in an additional 5-7 students.  
  • If a student is admitted into IDCS and they have siblings on the waiting list, those siblings will be moved up to the sibling section of the waiting list behind any siblings that are currently on that list. 
  • Each grade level of the waiting list has three sections; siblings of current students are at the top, followed by children of staff members employed by IDCS one year or longer, then traditional applicants who are not IDCS siblings or IDCS staff members children.
  • Please keep your phone number and address up to date at all times.  If we try to contact you and your cannot be reached with the provided contact information, we will assume that you are no longer interested in IDCS and remove your child's name from the waiting list.
Questions regarding the waiting list should be directed to
Rachel Stahl at [email protected] or 860-892-1900 ext. 445.