NEW STAFF BIO: Diane Holtzworth, Tutor

Name: Diane Holtzworth

Position: Tutor

Number of Years @ IDCS: 21.5


What is the most inspiring part of your job? Watching kids learning and growing, seeing kids being creative and love coming to school, working with such caring and committed teachers and staff.


Family, Pets, Home: I have three adult children, Jenny, Stephanie, and Jonathan. They are each married and Jenny and her husband have two children, Wilder and Moxie Mae (my wonderful grandkids!). Stephanie and Jonathan both graduated from IDCS! My house is busy and full with several family members living with me right now. They have two dogs named Gizmo and Bosco and I have two cats named Rocky and Clementine. It is sometimes crazy but also fun and there is lots of love.


Hobbies, Skills, Talents OR what do you like to do when you are not working? I love to read, take pictures, do pastel paintings, and work in my garden. I am also a docent (guide) at the Florence Griswold Museum in Lyme.


Who is someone you admire and why? Mother Theresa because of her amazing and unselfish dedication to helping others.


If time travel and long distance space travel were possible and all fictional worlds were real.  What place and/or time would you visit and what would you do while you were there? I’d like to see and smell the beautiful flowers in The Secret Garden (from one of my favorite childhood books).


If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Alfredo Fettuccine!


If you were a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? I would be aqua on one end and coral on the other because both of those colors are cheerful and make me happy, like springtime!