Mr. Derell Wilson » Staff Bio & Interview

Staff Bio & Interview

Name: Derell Wilson 
Position: Lead Para
Number of Years @ IDCS: 5
What is the most inspiring part of your job? 
Learning new things about each student. It's a joy knowing the small things are what matter most to the impact of a child’s day or education.
Family, Pets, Home:
I am one of 9 siblings ( I am a twin and I have Triplet siblings as well). I live in Norwich ( Live in the same house since I was born). Have four dogs 2 chihuahuas named Toffee and Snoopy, a 2 chorkie named Capone and Zion.
Hobbies, Skills, Talents OR what do you like to do when you are not working? 
I love to spend time with my family, referee football games, and go to concerts. Spend time with my nephews. 
Who is someone you admire and why?   
I admire Ms. Jackie Owens, she was a major pillar of the community for over 30 plus years. She taught me how to be a compassionate leader.