Mrs. Corinne McOmber » Staff Bio & Interview

Staff Bio & Interview

Name: Corinne McOmber

Position: 2 /3 Teacher

Number of Years @ IDCS: I have been teaching for 25 years. This is my 13th year at IDCS. Prior to coming to IDCS I taught in bilingual schools in New London: Edgerton and Jennings Schools

Family, Pets, Home:
My husband, Jeff, and I are celebrating our 37th year of marriage this month. We have 3 daughters, Chesney, Mary, and Jackie. Two of them are married with families of their own. We have 4 wonderful grandchildren: Tadhgan age 5, Eleanor age 3, Saoirse who is almost 2, and Katherine who is 2 months old. I can certainly say my cup runneth over!

Hobbies, Skills, Talents OR what do you like to do when you are not working? 

Many of you may know I like to sew. I have made well over 100 quilts. I enjoy thinking of different, challenging patterns to create with fun fabrics. It is a hobby that I enjoy sharing with my sisters, my close friends Mrs Woronecki and Ms Mary Ellen, and all my students. 

Oh, and I really love following the Patriots!!!


If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 

French fries with lots of salt! I am Irish and we love potatoes!